La mayoría de libros que tratan sobre la conducta infantil ofrecen consejos aparentemente razonables, ajustándose a ideas sobre crianza ya preconcebidas por los padres y que ––como demuestra el Dr. Kazdin–– están abocados al fracaso.
The Kazdin Method® provides step-by-step instruction in how to do this under almost any conditions. This method gives you a reliable and research-proven set of moves you can make to address the problem in the home, or wherever it occurs.
Practical strategies to help parents manage everyday behavioral problems with a science-based method that focuses on the “ABC’s”: antecedents, behavior, and consequences. Parents can effect desired behavior in their children by offering choices and speaking in pleasant tones.
Dr. Alan E. Kazdin 2018 (3rd ed.) How To Manage Behavior has been widely regarded as one of the most effective tools in managing your child's behavior. The reason for this success is simple. These nontechnical, step-by-step instructional manuals define each procedure, provide numerous examples, and allow the reader to make oral or written responses. [...]
Esveldt-Dawson, K., & Kazdin, A.E. (1982). How to Use Self-Control. Austin, TX: Pro-ed Publishers. Buy on Amazon