Parenting Articles
PODCAST: Dr. Alan Kazdin Interview on Papatriarcat
Papatriarchy is a podcast committed to helping parents with the challenges of parenting. Created and produced by Cédric Rostein, a lecturer, trainer on paternity subjects and is also the author of the book “Tu vas être papa” published by First editions and illustrated by Blachette. In this podcast, Cédric interviews Dr. Alan Kazdin in English on The Kazdin Method parenting techniques. Listen to Podcast
Removing the Pressure Sometimes Can Get the Behavior You Want and Quickly
Imagine a situation in which you would like your child to do something but he or she refuses or just does not do it without even refusing. Ok, no imagination is needed. If you have children or you have lived with another human of any age, you have all the examples you need. People do not do what we want all the time and those people includes adults (friends, partners, relatives), adolescents, and children. It even includes us—often we do not engage in the behaviors we want ourselves to do—maybe exercise more, eat less of a certain food, and so on. Behavior change is a fascinating topic and there are several techniques that are effective based on excellent science. I will refer to some of [...]
Managing Parenting Challenges of Social Distancing, Confinement, and Isolation
We have learned by now that one of the best ways to protect ourselves and others from the coronavirus is to distance ourselves physically from people and to stay at home with only occasional outings for essentials. These practices translate to being confined to our homes all day and all night, sometimes without the ability to go out for a walk. The impact of confinement on our mental health can vary greatly based on all sorts of factors including the physical space of the home or apartment, the number of people in the home, their ages and ability to function independently, amount of caregiving that is needed, whether and how much home schooling is needed, resources for connecting with the outside world, and many other [...]
El Metodo Kazdin para Padres de Niños Desobedientes: Sin Píldoras, Ni Terapias, Ni Enfrentamiento (Spanish Edition)
El Método Kazdin pone por primera vez a disposición de los padres el programa desarrollado por el Dr. Kazdin cuya eficacia ha sido probada por las investigaciones más extensas y reputadas en el campo de la terapia infantil. El libro muestra cómo usar el tono de voz, cuándo y cómo tocar, cómo dirigir a tu hijo en una sesión de “práctica”, cómo adaptarlo a niños de diferentes edades, cómo involucrar a hermanos, etcétera.
PODCAST: Yelling at your kids: why it doesn’t work and what you can do instead
It’s time for school, but the kids aren’t ready. You yell, “Get in the car!” Nothing happens. You yell again. And again. And again. Sound familiar? Want it to change? uh-PARENT-ly cohosts Tracy Weiner and Anne Johnsos talk to Dr. Alan Kazdin, Sterling Professor of Psychology and Child Psychiatry at Yale, about the negative effects of yelling and how to get what you want without raising your voice.
My work for Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies
Dr. Alan Kazdin recounts how he came to be a psychologist and discusses where his emphasis is now: studying models of treatment delivery with the idea of completely changing who, and how many, can access treatment. He notes that "most people in need of psychological help receive no treatment." This is based on current delivery models. He's hoping to find ways to make delivery scalable and accessible, overcoming the current inherent limits.
“There’s no need to change your life to use every single one of the techniques for every situation. But if you’re sick of lecturing, threatening, and punishing, you can make life less stressful by reaching for one or more of the tools.”
— The Everyday Parenting Toolkit