Among evidence-based therapies for children and adolescents with oppositional, aggressive, and antisocial behavior, parent management training (PMT) is without peer; no other treatment for children has been as thoroughly investigated and as widely applied.

Continuing the tradition of excellence established in previous editions, distinguished researcher, practitioner, and educator Alan Kazdin integrates pioneering and recent research with discussions and examples for altering behavior and the conditions that influence their effectiveness.

Widely regarded as the standard reference and text on evidence-based therapies--and now substantially revised--this book has introduced tens of thousands of clinicians and students to exemplary treatments for social, emotional, and behavioral problems in children and youth.

Developmental Clinical Psychology and Psychiatry (2nd ed.)Dr. Alan E. KazdinThe prevalence of conduct disorder in children constitutes a severe and persistent social problem. Conduct disorder - which encompasses antisocial behaviours such as aggressive acts, theft, vandalism, arson, running away, truancy and defying authority - is a common reason for referring children and adolescents for psychological [...]

Dr. Alan E. Kazdin (2000) What do we wish to know about psychotherapy and its effects? What do we already know? And what needs to be accomplished to fill the gap? These questions and more are explored in this thoroughly updated book about the current status and future directions of psychotherapy for children and [...]
A Review and Evaluation (The Plenum Behavior Therapy Series) 1St Edition Edition Kazdin, A.E. (1977) Applications of operant techniques in treatment and education have proliferated in recent years. Among the various techniques, the token economy has been particularly popular. The token economy has been extended to many populations included in psychiatry, clinical psychology, education, [...]